Telaneo's website

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    Originally written .

    Table of contents

    Here are a number of books I've read, films I've watched, and video games I've played, in no particular order, which I recommend that too you engage with.


    A copy of Winnie Ille Pu. A blue book with a gold colour embossing of a Roman style bust of Winnie-The-Pooh.


    A copy the Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind box set, with the cover featuring Nausicaä, a brown-haired girl dressed in blue with a weapon similar to a musket.



    Two plushies, one of Ram and one of Rem, two characters from the Re:Zero anime. They are dressed in their normal maid outfits. Ram is on the left, with her pink hair and a frown, with Rem being on the right, with her light-blue hair and a smile.


    Video games

    A copy of Persona 5 for the PlayStation 3.
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